Records/Inter-Agency Request
  1. Fill out all fields as completely as possible. Fields marked with an asterisk (    ) are required.
  3. Click the "Accept" button at the bottom of this page.
  4. The records request will automatically be sent to the Boone County Joint Communications office for processing.
    If you entered an email address and selected the check box, a copy of the request will be emailed to you.
  5. If you are attempting to submit an Inter-Agency Request, please select the "Inter-Agency Request" button below.

Request Id
Requestor's First Name  
Middle Initial
Requestor's Last Name
Agency This field is only required if you did not provide your name in the fields above.
Phone Number
Fax Number
Requestor's Return Address
Case Type
Reason for Request
Example: Court trial, active investigation, etc.
Additional Details/Comments
0 / 500
(Please describe as specifically as possible the record you are requesting)
Incident Date  
or date range
Incident Location
Names of People Involved
Incident Officer
Incident Number(s)
Email You must provide an email address so the Sheriff's Office can contact you concerning any problems with this request.
Email addresses are strictly confidential and not given to third parties.

please email me a copy of this request

NOTE: Payment for Open Records Requests are due prior to the release of any records and should be submitted to Boone County Joint Communications. You will be notified of the cost.
Range Comments
IP address of submitted
Y when email requested else N
Request Status