Boone County Absentee Ballot Application

Absentee voting begins six weeks before every election and is available to any registered Boone County voter that will be unable to make it to their polling place on Election Day due to their absence from Boone County, service as a poll worker, illness or physical disability, or participation in Missouri's Safe at Home program.

You can vote an absentee ballot in our office in Room 236 of the Boone County Government Center (corner of 9th and Ash in Columbia) until 5:00 p.m. on the day before the election or you can apply to have a ballot mailed to you until 5:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday before the election.

To apply for a mailed absentee ballot, use the link below or print, sign, and return a PDF application by mail to 801 E. Walnut, Room 236, Columbia MO 65201, by email to , or by fax to (573) 886-4300.

All ballots must be returned to the Clerk's Office before the polls close at 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. Persons that request an absentee ballot due to incapacity or confinement due to illness or physical disability do not need to have their ballot envelopes notarized. All other absentee ballot envelopes must be notarized. If you have a permanent disability, you can automatically receive an application for absentee ballot for every election by printing, signing, and returning a PDF application by mail to 801 E. Walnut, Room 236, Columbia MO 65201, by email to, or by fax to (573) 886-4300.


Military and Overseas voters should use the  Military and Overseas Voting Access Portal  to submit their request.